
From the depths map
From the depths map

from the depths map

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  • from the depths map

    Magnesium: Where It Comes From And Why We’re Running Out 88 Comments Posted in Misc Hacks, Transportation Hacks Tagged bathymetry, boat, gps, matplotlib, nmea, python, sonar, ultrasound Post navigation Want to go a little deeper? We’ve seen that before too. There’s something cool about revealing the mysteries of the deep, even if they’re not that deep. See it in action in the video after the hop. The chart also takes the tides into account, as the water level varies quite a bit over the four hours it takes to gather all the data.

    from the depths map

    A bit of Python and matplotlib stitches that data together into a bathymetric map of the harbor, with pretty fine detail. The whole thing is rigged up to an inflatable dinghy which lets it slowly ply the confines of a small marina, working in and out of the nooks and crannies. Combined with a GPS module and an Arduino with an SD card, the rig can keep track not only of how much water is below it, but exactly where the measurement point is.

    from the depths map

    ’s sounding rig uses an off-the-shelf sonar depth sounder, one with NMEA, or National Marine Electronic Association, output. Thankfully, gone are the days when an able seaman would manually deploy the sounding line and call out the depth to the bottom. But what does one do for places where no such charts exist? Easy - make your own homebrew water depth logger. And there’s really no way to know that other than to work from charts that show you exactly what lies beneath. These measurements were first made through soundings, where a weighted line (lead line) was let out by hand until it touched the bottom, and the depth could be recorded from the length of the line (Figure \(\PageIndex\) Radar altimetry (left) and a map of the seafloor produced by radar altimetry satellites (right) (NOAA).For those who like to muck around in boats, there’s enough to worry about without wondering if you’re going to run aground. The process of measuring the depths is known as bathymetry. To map the ocean floor we need to know the depth at a number of places. So how are we able to map the ocean floor to ascertain these vast depths? The previous sections included some information on the depths of the oceans in various places.

    From the depths map